Walt Disney’s rules of life that will help you get closer to your goal every day
“A person should set his goals as early as he can and devote all his energy and talent to getting there. With enough effort, he may achieve it. Or he may find something that is even more rewarding.”
Walter “Walt” Elias Disney
The name of Walt Disney is associated with popular cartoons and amusement parks. But not everyone knows how much work was invested in this children’s entertainment by its creator.
Walt Disney was born in 1901 in Chicago. Since childhood, he loved to draw, but since he grew up in a poor family, his parents could not buy him paints and brushes. So, a four-year-old kid found a stick and tar and painted a picture on the wall of the house. Two years later, Disney began to sell his paintings to his acquaintances. 40 years later, his childhood drawings were exhibited at the most prestigious auctions in the world.
Hard-working nature
At the age of eight, Walt got up at half past four in the morning and delivered newspapers to make a living. Later, when he set up a tiny animation studio in an old garage, he worked alone for days, almost without sleep. At that time, making a two-minute film took several months of work. And even decades later, when the company already had several hundred employees, Walter still devoted himself to work as selflessly as in his youth.
Disney came from a provincial town to the big, unfamiliar city with 40 dollars in his wallet. Hollywood producers did not accept his works. The first success was also disappointing.
When he founded the Walt Disney Company and came up with his first original animated character, Oswald the Rabbit, Walt was tricked by a partner who appropriated the copyright. Then the cartoonist replaced the rabbit with Mickey Mouse which brought him great success.
Was Walt Disney moving towards his goal the right way? Did he take into account all the risks? This is proved by the director’s professional success. Of the 111 films he created, 25 won Oscars. Disneyland California is visited by over 13 million people annually. And there are a lot of people in the world who wholeheartedly fell in love with Bambi, the Little Mermaid and other characters of Disney cartoons!
What does the Walt Disney story teach us?
- when the right goal is chosen, the result is achieved more easily;
- refusals should not stop, but encourage you to improve and look for new ways to implement your plans;
- failure is not a problem, but a challenge to your resilience and a useful experience;
- perseverance and self-confidence are the keys to success.
The path to the goal is not always straightforward. Difficulties and obstacles encountered on the way are normal. The main thing is to learn to perceive them as temporary difficulties and learn from these lessons. Overcoming barriers, you temper your character, become tougher, more persistent and more purposeful.
But first, it is important to assess your goal from all angles. Is it formulated correctly? Can it be divided into several subtasks? Do you have enough resources to achieve the result? Who can help you on the path to your goal, and who can hinder? Do you have like-minded partners, support group? What are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of victory?
If you find it difficult to answer these questions, use the new GoalSet Master tool for working on goals on the GIG-OS platform. It will help you to look critically at your task from different angles, assess risks, and see opportunities. You will clearly understand what you are striving for and why you need it. With GoalSet Master, your goal will be closer and the path towards it easier.
Get inspired by success stories and move towards your goal!
Only forward, only towards the result!