“Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.”
Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group
When the chance is lost…
Achieving a goal requires not only desire and the necessary resources, but also serious planning, choosing an appropriate strategy, constant analysis and correction of the situation. Sometimes people make mistakes…
Paul Allen, an American businessman with a fortune of $15 billion, became rich by founding Microsoft together with Bill Gates. But he later made the mistake of selling the stock at a low price in the early 1990s. These shares could be worth $40 billion today.
The director of “Silence of the Lambs” movie saw actress Michelle Pfeiffer starring, but she firmly said “no”, and Jodie Foster won the Best Actress Oscar. Pfeiffer still hasn’t earned her statuette award.
In 1982, Colgate, an international company, decided it was time to not only make dental care products, but also launch a line of ready-made frozen dinners. Among them were pilaf, lasagna and other semi-finished products, which not only did not increase the company’s revenues, but also significantly reduced sales of toothpaste. Customers were skeptical about unusual products made by the familiar brand.
Obstacles are challenges
Human potential is enormous, and everyone is able to set high and worthy goals. But it is important not only to formulate them correctly, but also to be able to achieve them. Therefore, the next necessary step is to anticipate risks and obstacles, which must be taken into account in advance.
What are the barriers on the path to the goal?
1. Excessive caution and self-doubt. To achieve the goals you have set, you need to feel less sorry for yourself and act more boldly. Self-pity holds you in place and pulls you back. Uncertainty breeds fears: fear of rejection, change, failure, the future. This hampers the achievement of the result.
2. Incorrectly set task. Evaluate the significance of your goal: imagine that the result has been achieved. Does it cause an emotional uplift and joy? It is vivid, positive feelings that fuel the motivation to achieve the goal. If your emotions are at zero, maybe you should choose a different goal?
3. Procrastination and laziness. Tasks to achieve the goal should not be postponed until tomorrow, next Monday, the fall. You need to act now. This builds willpower and self-discipline — the most important keys to success.
4. Counterproductive use of time. Many people do not achieve their goal due to unstructured actions: they want to get everything at once, so they plan to achieve the result as soon as possible. This way one might miss important details and nuances, fail to assess risks or estimate your abilities. The consequences can be frustrating.
Confident movement towards victory
Active effort and optimism will help you distinguish your true desires from those imposed by society, draw up a plan of action and overcome obstacles in achieving goals. When you learn to set tasks correctly, structure them, plan your time and enjoy the first small results, you will confidently move towards victory.
The unique GoalSet Master tool, available on the GIG-OS platform, will become a reliable assistant in choosing and working on your goal. With the help of this tool you will:
- Define your task.
- Find out what is needed to complete it.
- Calculate the time, money and effort you will need to achieve the result.
- Figure out how to convince other people to help you.
- Learn what skills you need to develop to increase your chances of success.
Answer the GoalSet Master questions, obtain important data about your goal, create an action plan and confidently move towards results.
Luck always favors the persistent and purposeful!